What’s it about?
Based on our audit findings over the past 12 months more than 80% of the RTOs are falling short of standards requirements listed under SRTO2015 Clauses 1.8-2 (Rules of Evidence). This finding is consistent with ASQA’s strategic review reports on recent audits conducted on CRICOS providers to review and monitor quality of assessment practices.
With reference to SRTO2015 Clause 1.8, every RTO must implement an assessment system that ensures that assessment (including recognition of prior learning) is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence.
It can be a daunting experience for RTOs found non-compliant in this area to implement and demonstrate remedial actions taken to protect current and future student cohorts and to assist past students through reassessments.
What is Plagiarism?
It is an act of passing off the ideas or words of another person as one’s own, using (another’s production) without crediting the source.
Plagiarism can take many forms, from deliberate cheating to accidentally copying from a source without acknowledgement Consequently, whenever you use the words or ideas of another person in your work, you must acknowledge where they came from.
It’s important to know what plagiarism is, and what form it takes and also to know how plagiarism happens. You will also learn strategies to develop effective academic skills.
Who is it for?
This course is highly recommended for International Students, VET Trainers and Assessors, RTO Managers, Compliance Managers & Training Managers
Course Duration?
Typically, a learner would take anywhere between 2-4 hours to complete this course online; however, the duration may vary based on prior skills and knowledge.